Tuesday, June 30, 2009

From Here On Out, It's Math

The code is coming along nicely.
>>> p.parse_date("01/01/1980", "Y")
(10L, 9L)
Real simple. First, we import the parsedates module, then we set the callback function to the mxDateTime Parser. The parse_date function takes a String of a date, which it passes to the mxDateTime Parsing function and a String for a frequency, which it converts into an int (to be stored internally). The Parsing function for the date returns a Python DateTime object (which, for my use, is basically a tuple filled with (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, etc.). I can extract this and pass all of these into a master function to calculate the date. The frequency is taken from the second String (and proper error messages are awarded in the event of a bizzare frequency) and stored internally (as an int for now).

A few things will need to be changed, though...

The frequency will need to be parsed, too, though, since Travis needs to support "custom" frequencies (read more about them here). Perhaps this will call for a second Python callback function, as parsing Strings with regular expressions is relatively easy in Python and difficult at best in C.

The mxDateTime parser returns the Python datetime object, which only supports time units up to the nanosecond (if I recall correctly...). The NumPy DateTime module must support units as high as femtoseconds. Hopefully this will be doable with just a couple of lines of code added to the parser.

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